Cash balance; cash holdings: cash in immediate possession represented by coin, paper money and negotiable checks and other paper commonly accepted for immediate credit by a bank in a deposit of cash. 现金余额;现金结存:指立即可用的现金,如硬币,纸币,流通支票和其他银行一般可以接受给以信贷的现金储蓄票据。
In the immediate years after the Second World War, capital was so scarce that it seemed to make sense for Japan to use centralised credit allocation and capital controls to channel its funds to industry. 第二次世界大战后的几年中,资本极为稀缺,日本似乎有理由通过集中化的信贷分配和资本管制,将资金引导至工业。
As the goods against your order No.234 have been ready for shipment for quite some time, it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering credit established as soon as possible. 由于贵方订单第234号之货已备妥待运有相当长时间了,贵方必须立即行动尽快开出信用证。
The more immediate question is what happens if the world has at last run out of countries able or willing to run large asset-price fuelled credit booms. 更直接的问题是,如果世界终于没有了能够(或者愿意)运行资产价格助燃的庞大信贷繁荣的国家,那会发生什么?
It enabled Enron to take immediate credit for profits it hoped to make in years to come. 它使得安然能够立即得益于未来几年它希望实现的盈利。
Their immediate dilemma is how to sustain recovery without inflating credit and asset-price bubbles. 最直接的问题是如何在不扩大信贷和房地产泡沫的情况下维持经济的复兴。
In comparison, the likely immediate effects of the US credit downgrade which may just accentuate trends of the past few weeks look like a mere sideshow. 相比之下,美国信用评级遭下调可能产生的即刻效应仅仅会加剧过去几周已经显现的市场趋势看上去像不过是小事一桩。
He is not, in other words, demanding the immediate break-up of UBS or Credit Suisse. 换言之,他没有要求立刻分拆瑞银或瑞士信贷。
It firstly expounds basic insurance principles: principle of maximum credit, principle of insurance profit, principle of loss compensation; Principle of immediate cause suits export credit insurance, it emphasizes the special principle of export credit, that is principle of risk partaking; 最大诚信原则、保险利益原则、损失补偿原则、近因原则适用于出口信用保险,并在此基础上着重论述了出口信用保险之特殊原则,即风险共担原则;
This section, digging into the nature and legal foundation of the doctrine, embraces an immediate introduction into China of the doctrine and the establishment of the priority of non-related credit to related credit, thus protecting the interest of the creditors and other shareholders in its subsidiaries. 该节阐述了深石原则的含义、价值和法理基础,指出我国应尽快引进深石原则,确立非关联债权相对于关联债权的优先制度,从而有效保护子公司其他债权人和股东的利益。
The vital matter of immediate urgency is to set up the system of perfect social credit to standardize the market economy. 通过尽快地建立完善的社会信用体系规范市场经济秩序是当务之急。